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Scout Comics

Ejunky TPB

Ejunky TPB

Regular price $29.99
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In the year 2055, technology has transformed the human experience, using Nerve Reading Devices (N.R.D.s) to share dreams and Emo-Regs to filter and regulate emotions, leading pain and suffering to become commodities in a world that has made them virtually illegal. But a growing group of addicts, called eJunkies, continue to seek every kind of human experience by using drugs containing other people's memories, including painful ones, in the form of an alternative drug (ALT) known as Torch. When Hector Holmes, a disgraced investigator and eJunky, nearly overdoses on Torch, his previous partner from the Alternative Reality Investigation Squad (A.R.I.S.) requests his help to stop The Guardians of Pain-a terrorist group distributing Torch to "wake" people to a painful and buried past in an effort to start a revolution. As Hector's mind unravels, he must confront a forgotten and painful past to stop a horrific future.
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